*Apoyo Educativo
*Escuela de Verano
*Juntas de padres
*Paseos educativos
Usted tal vez podría calificar para el programa de
Durante los últimos tres años ha trabajado en algunos de los siguientes empleos de agricultura:
*cultivación de la cosecha
*producción de la cosecha
*proceso de productos agriculturales
*lechería y alimentación de ganadería
*industria de aves
*cosecha y cultivación de ganadería
*industria e aves
*cosecha y cultivación de arboles.
*frutas y/o nueces
*frutas y/o nueces
*flores o céspedes
*ganaderías como cerdos, ovejas, y ganado
Programa de Educación Migrante
4) ¿Salieron los niños con usted ?
Welcome to the Ocean View School District Migrant Program
Your children may be eligible to receive the following educational services.
** Emergency medical, dental and vision services
** Educational support
** Summer school
** Counseling
** Tutoring
** Educational parents meetings
** Educational Field Trips
You may have the possibility of qualifying for the Migrant Education Program if you answer ü Yes... to one or more of the following question.
During the past three years have you worked in some of the following agricultural job(s):
** Cultivation of field crops
** Production of the crops
** Processing of agricultural products
**Dairy activity related to milking and feeding livestock
** Poultry industry
** Harvesting and cultivating trees
** Industry and birds
** Harvest and cultivation of trees. (
**Orchard activities related to fruit and/or nuts
** Nursery activities related to green houses and sod farming
** fishing related activities
** Livestock farming such as hogs, sheep, and cattle
New requirements to qualify for the
Migrant Education Program
1) Are you currently working in agriculture, packing house, nursery, fishing, or livestock?
2) In the last 3 years have you moved from Ventura County with your family for 30 days or more?
3) Was the movement for economic necessity or in search for work in agriculture, fishing etc.? And can
you prove this movement?
For more information call:
Ms. Sandra Perez
Migrant Recruiter
District Ocean View
4200 Olds Rd.
Oxnard, CA 93033
(805) 986-6714