15 Speech Therapy YouTube Channels
1st Grade Classroom
3rd Grade Distant Learning Links and Schedules
Adventures in Speech Pathology
Aprendizaje a Distancia
Aprendizaje a Distancia
A welcome letter from Mrs. Day
A welcome message from Mrs. Day
Back to School Night presentation
! Bienvenidos a nuestra clase de segundo grado! - Welcome to 2nd grade clase !
Bienvenidos/Informacion- Welcome Information
Bienvenidos - Sra. Velasquez
Bienvenidos / Welcome
BrainPop Jr
Cooking Up Good Speech
Cosmic Yoga for kids
Cosmic Yoga for Kids
Counseling Corner
Distance Learning Plan 2019-20
Distant Learning Resources / Recursos de Aprendizaje a Distancia
El horario diario de clases de español por Zoom
Engaging Ideas for Kids!
Epic for Kids
EXTRA HELP for Distance Learning- APOYO y SITIOS para aprendizaje de larga distancia
Family Resources/Recursos familiares
Gogle Classroom-The Learning Center
Go Noodle
iBienvenidos a un nuevo año escolar! / Welcome to a new school year!
!Importante información para el comienzo de este año escolar 2020! _Important information for the beginning of the 2020 school year!
Important information to start the year
Jardín Juárez (anaranjado)
Jardín Juárez (morado)
Kindergarten with Mrs. Frost
Mommy Speech Therapy
Mrs. Inglis- Homeroom
Mrs. Miller & Mrs. Vega Grade 1
Mrs. Miller & Mrs. Vega Grade 1
Mrs. Salcedo, Mrs. Schall, & Mrs. Thelen Grade 1
Mrs. Salcedo, Mrs. Schall, & Mrs. Thelen Grade 1
Mrs. Salcedo, Mrs. Schall, & Mrs. Thelen Grade 1
Mrs. Thelen and Mrs. Schall's First Grade Class
Ms. Fitts' Sharks
Ms. Rojas' Class
MVS Counseling
National Geographic for Kids
OVJH Speech & Language 21/22
Padlet: recursos adicionales para los estudiantes
Palabras de uso frecuente
Panda Speech
Peachie Speechie Videos
Plan de aprendizaje a larga distancia/Distance Learning Plan
Plan de estudio/ Study Plan
Recursos para los padres para usar zoom
SAI Distance Learning 2020-2021
Scholastic News
Social/Emotional Skills Sharing Site
Speech Buddies
Speech & Language Kids
Sra. Fitts / Sr. Rodriguez
Sr. Rodriguez Horario de Juntas de Zoom
The Learning Center
The Learning Center
The Learning Center
Twenty 5-Minute Speech Therapy Activities You Can Do At Home
Ventura County SELPA para familias
Ventura County SELPA resources for families
VIdeo de Bienvenida
Weekly Assignment Page
Welcome Back to School- Distance Learning
Writer's Workshop
Zoom-Conectarse/ Connect Now to Zoom
Zoom Rules